Online Survey – Local Residents (Bishopston, Murton, Newton)

Thank you for taking this survey it should only take about 5 minutes to complete. Innes Associates have been engaged by Swansea Council to carry out an independent study on improvements to Caswell Bay.

We are keen to hear the views of people who use Caswell Bay, including local residents, to find out what you think of the beach and the facilities here at the moment and what improvements you would like to see.

Any improvements will depend on the Council securing funding and we can’t guarantee that all the changes that are suggested will come about, but nothing has been decided yet and every suggestion will be taken into account.

The long-term aim is to enhance/improve and develop the facilities in a way that responds to what people feel is most needed, and to create a year-round sustainable experience for people who visit Caswell Bay that will plan for and support the local economy.

This survey is anonymous and personal data will not be stored.

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